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Charge for Travel Using a Per-Diem Basis

Writer's picture: L. Darryl ArmstrongL. Darryl Armstrong

You may want to consider charging a per diem for your travel expenses (hotels, meals and incidentals) rather than direct reibursement. Most clients prefer the simplicity of per-diem expenses and this arrangement avoids any criticism about how you spend expense dollars.

Think about having multiple per-diem rates, the late Howard Shenson, the consultant’s consultant suggests. You would have one per-diem for expensive cities and another for smaller markets. Set per-diem rates and define the quality of your life on the road in a way that is consistent with the style and expense that your client feels is appropriate. People are more comfortable when you do things the way they do them.

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(C) 1994 Dr. L. Darryl Armstrong

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